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Tips to reclaim your work-life balance by Crescendo Global

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about 2 years ago

by Crescendo Global

Tips to reclaim your work-life balance by Crescendo Global

​1. Make time for yourself

Make sure you have enough time to do things for yourself. You need to take care of yourself first before taking care of others. If you don't make time for yourself, then how can you expect to give anything back? Take some time out of your day to relax and unwind.

2. Be realistic about what you want

If you're not happy with your job, then maybe it's time to look elsewhere. There are many jobs out there that pay well and offer great opportunities. But if you're unhappy at your current job, then you might not be able to find something else that pays as well. So, you may have to stick it out until you find something else.

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3. Don't overcommit

Don't get caught up in the idea of having everything done by a certain date. Instead, focus on getting the task done right now. And if you miss a deadline, then just try again later.

4. Find ways to stay motivated

It's hard to motivate yourself sometimes, especially when you feel like you've been working nonstop for weeks on end. But you still need to keep going. Try to find ways to stay motivated. Maybe listen to music while you work. Or read a book. Or watch TV. Whatever works best for you.

5. Have fun!

You should always enjoy what you're doing. If you're not enjoying your job, then chances are you won't put much effort into it. So, make sure you're having fun.

6. Get help

Sometimes, we just need someone to talk to. Sometimes, we need someone to tell us that we're doing a good job. So, ask for help whenever you need it.

7. Learn to say no

This is probably the hardest thing to learn. But once you learn to say no, you'll never go back to being a yes person. Saying no means that you're making room for yourself to do other things.

About Crescendo Global

At Crescendo Global, we help people & organizations find a common purpose. We specialize in Senior level and Leadership hiring for our clients across India. We have built a culture of people passionate about changing other people’s lives. We focus on employee growth & learning and believe in the power of teamwork to do great things. Here, you have the opportunity to have a greater influence than many individuals do in their lifetime. Crescendo Global takes pride in uniting people through celebrations.

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