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How to Prepare for Difficult Questions in Interview?

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over 2 years ago

by Crescendo Global

How to Prepare for Difficult Questions in Interview?

​1. Prepare yourself mentally

Before going into an interview, make sure you have done some research about the company and its products. You don't want to walk into an interview unprepared. If you know what they do, then you'll be able to answer their questions much easier. Also, if you're not familiar with the product, ask them about it beforehand. Ask them how they came up with the idea for the product and how they plan to market it.

2. Be prepared for tough questions

If you get asked a question you haven't thought about before, don't panic! Just take a deep breath and think about what you would say. Don't just give a generic answer. Think about the specific situation and how you would handle it.

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3. Know your strengths and weaknesses

When preparing for an interview, think about what you're good at and what you aren't. What makes you unique? What skills do you have that no one else does? What are your greatest strengths? How could you use these strengths to help the company?

4. Practice answers

Practice answering questions out loud. Say the words out loud and try to imagine how you'd respond. If you're nervous, practice saying those words over and over again until you feel comfortable.

5. Be confident

Don't worry about being nervous. Being nervous doesn't mean you won't perform well. In fact, it's quite the opposite. When you're nervous, you tend to focus on negative things. Instead, concentrate on positive thoughts and images. Focus on the outcome you want and keep reminding yourself that you've practiced and you're ready.

6. Dress appropriately

Dress professionally. Wear clothes that fit properly and look clean. Make sure you wear shoes that are appropriate for the job.

7. Smile

Smiling shows confidence and helps people trust you.

About Crescendo Global

At Crescendo Global, we help people & organizations find a common purpose. We specialize in Senior level and Leadership hiring for our clients across India. We have built a culture of people passionate about changing other people’s lives. We focus on employee growth & learning and believe in the power of teamwork to do great things. Here, you have the opportunity to have a greater influence than many individuals do in their lifetime. Crescendo Global takes pride in uniting people through celebrations.

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